Monday, November 9, 2009

3 Months Old

Brady Is 3 Months Old

Weight: 15 lbs

Length: 26 inches

Brady is getting more and more of a personality every day. She is smiling now when I pick her up from school or when I start talking to her. It is awesome. I dont ever remember being this happy ever. BJ and I are closer than we have ever been and we are truly in love with our precious little angel.

Brady is also noticing toys and reaching out for them. She has been sitting in her exersaucer touching all the toys while there is a giant smile on her face. She has also started looking in her baby mirror.

She is growing up too fast.


  1. So sweet! I understand and relate to everything you said. You will turn around and she'll be sitting up, crawling...then outright running! Next thing you know you'll be taking another pregnancy test and gearing up for round two! ;) Good times.

  2. i just saw your comment on irma's blog and was SO excited to discover your blog too. then imagine my excitement tripling when i found out about baby brady! she is just adorable. so happy for y'all. congratulations!!!

  3. don't worry, you will get there! i was JUST like you on getting adelaide from her bassinet to the crib. i didn't think it would ever happen but one day it did and as shocked as i was we did it successfully:)
